
I am reminded daily of the fact that a human being has a body too. I had thought that my spirit and heart alone would be able to sustain me through everything. But now my body has spoken up for itself and called a halt. I now realize, God, how much you have given me. So much that was beautiful and so much that was hard to bear. Yet whenever I showed myself ready to bear it, the hard was directly transformed into the beautiful. And the beautiful was sometimes much harder to bear, so overpowering did it seem. To think that one small human heart can experience so much, Oh god, so much suffering and so much love, I am so grateful to You, God for having chosen my heart in these times to experience all the things it has experienced. (Etty Hillesum, executed in Auschwitz in 1943).


 私がこれまでに体験したことのある痛みや苦しみなんて、アウシュビッツでの苦しみには比べ物にならないけれど、それでも、エティのこの祈りに、とても共感するものがありました。負い難きものがそのまま美しきものへと変えられる…… そして、その美しきものへと変えられたもののうちに現された神様の愛と恵みと慈しみとご栄光の重みに、思わず膝をつき、主を礼拝したくなる…… 

 Oh god, so much suffering and so much love, I am so grateful to You, God for having chosen my heart in these times to experience all the things it has experienced!